Odd Gods, God’s Odds

Four-player God-minton. Sam Harris & Michael Shermer versus Jean Houston Deepak & Chopra over God’s existence. God abstains from judgment.

Chandrayaan I is on its way to the moon.
Evolution Of The Obvious: The Foster-Kokko Model Of Superstition

Kevin Foster and Hanna Kokko’s paper claims that superstition (might) persist in a population provided it has survival value. Naturally. Some objections to these types of arguments.
Fishy Transference

A recent experiment seems to show some species of fish can do transitive inference. Specifically, they can figure out that if A outfights B and B outfights C, then A can outfight C. My goldfish writes a rebuttal.
Reason & Religion: Odd Couple Redux

Reza Aslan and Sam Harris discuss religion and reason. Let’s hug it out, bitches.
Vex: An Existential Virus

Thoughts on the fabrication of a maximally effective virus. Don’t try this at home.
Review: 20 Cases Suggestive Of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson

Reincarnation is one of those ideas that refuses to die. A review of Ian Stevenson’s empirical studies.
When Prayers Attack

The recent study by Benson et. al. suggests other people’s prayers for your welfare could be harmful to your health. That’s just too hilarious.