Naiyar Masud: The Storyteller of Lucknow
About finding and reading the Urdu writer Naiyar Masud.
The Octoclause of Doom
A mysterious amendment to an obscure clause in the Indian copyright act threatens the already slim-profit margins of local publishers.
Rendezvous with Rama
On the strange hero of Valmiki’s psychological masterpiece.
The Griffith Ramayana
How an Englishman went up a subcontinent and came down an Indian.
Troubled Times At Ridgemont High
The American school system is broken. For God’s sake, stop fixing it.
Out, damn Sprout
Sprout Inc. decides to “sunset” its low-cost version of SproutBuilder. Damn them.
Odd Gods, God’s Odds
Four-player God-minton. Sam Harris & Michael Shermer versus Jean Houston Deepak & Chopra over God’s existence. God abstains from judgment.
Simpson’s Paradox In The Slush Pile
Simpson’s Paradox, not racism, might be behind the discrepancy in publication acceptances between Western and minority writers.
Same of the more
John Ottinger III has had it with critics who complain that women and minorities are not adequately represented in SF anthologies. Unfortunately, he also blogged this view.
2009 Indian SF Workshop At IIT-K: Part 2 (Being There)
Part 2: 2009 Indian SF Workshop at IIT-K. Final part, thank God.